Sunday, May 13, 2007

MT Team

From left to right: Jeff, Russ, Steve and his son Travis, Brent(founder of WF)
Neil and Cindy with there children Cliff, Cody, Riley, and Maze

A group of willing helpers from Montana came to Western Frontiers- YWAM, Wyoming May 10-12, 2007
They all took part in framing the barn that had been donated to us last fall.

It truly was good and encouraging to have the barn go up so fast, thanks to all the skilled laborers that willingly sacrificed there time and jobs to meet a need here at WF.

WOW, a forty by eighty barn, what a blessing!
I still marvel at how it all came about.
God has blessed WF!

Jeff installed the doors in the new administration building.
Brent and Russ started on drywalling
the inside of the new building.
Even though there is still a lot to do,
the blessing of having a team come out and help
with the work load was such a huge blessing!

If you have a team that is looking for a place to serve and give of there time, don't hesitate log on to
It truly is more blessed to give than to receive, as we give in obedience God always supplies a fresh outpouring to sustain us when we look to Him for our every need.

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